The number one question taxpayers ask
is Where's My Refund? I know, because I work at a tax service
and I get this question all the time. So I have compiled a list of
websites that answer this question. Generally, electronically filed
returns (efile) can take up to 21 days, according to the IRS ( but
most likely 10 to 14 days). Paper filed returns can take 6 to 8
To get your Federal Return status, go
to the Federal Internal Revenue Service (IRS) website :
Navigate to the right column and press
the Where's My Refund? button. It will open another page
which explains the process.
- You must wait at least 72 hours after e-filing a return.
- You will need to provide a Social Security Number, Filing Status, and the Exact amount of your refund found on your tax return.
- Next click the link to Get your refund Status or the“Where's My Refund? button and enter the information listed above.
To find the refund status at the
State level, search
(Google, Yahoo or Bing) with the following key words:
Colorado Where's My Refund.
- Click the Individual button.
- Click the Where's My Refund. button
- To check your refund status:Account Type:= Individual IncomeID Type =Social Security NumberID =or PIN/Letter ID from the state letter sent to you.
Comment: The above example is for the State of Colorado. Your
state's query maybe different but the basic idea is to enter your tax
id and the refund amount to get your refund status.
The status message is only as current as your last query. The IRS
may update the information with new information. Your projected
refund date will be not be effected, unless there are processing
delays or you owe federal or state back taxes, child support, or past
due government student loans, etc.
If the Tax Man Cometh - you can run – but you can't hide.
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